BA 1st Semester̥ Political Science Syllabus and Previous Year Question Paper




BA General Course

Semester-I: Political Theory (Paper-I)


1. Nature and Scope of Political Science; Approaches to the study of Political Science Traditional and Modern Approaches.

2. Theories of State: Social Contract Theory, Idealist Theory of State, Liberal and Neo Liberal Theory of State, Marxist Theory of State, Gandhian Theory of State.


1. Sovereignty of the State: Kinds of Sovereignty- Monistic, Pluralistic Theories; Popular, Sovereignty in the age of Globalisation.

2. Some Representative Concepts: Meaning and Features- Democracy, Nationalism, Internationalism.


1. Law, Liberty, Rights and Equality

2. Political Parties, Pressure Groups: Functions, Role in Modern State.


1. Theories regarding State Functions: Individualism, Socialism, Welfare State and Democratic Socialism.

2. Marxism: Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, Class and Class Struggle, Revolution.

3. Lenin: Concept of Imperialism, Contribution to Marxism.


Suggested Readings:

·         Levine, Andrew, Engaging Political Science: From Hobbes to Rawls, Blackwell Massachusetts, 2002.

·         Barker, Earnest, Greek Political Theory: Plato and his Predecessors, Surjeet Publications, New Delhi, 2006.

·         Boucher, David & Kelly, Paul (eds.), Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.

·         Maclleland, J.S, A History of Western Political Thought, Routledge, London, 1996.

·         Mukhopadhaya, Amal, Western Political Thought, K.P Bagchi, Calcutta, 1980.

·         Machiavelli, Niccolo, The Prince (Translated and Edited by Robert M. Adams) W W Norton and Company, New York, 1992.

·         Norberto, Bobbio, Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993.

·         Ramaswamy, S. & Mukherjee, S, Western Political Thought, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2006.

·         Sabine, G.H., A History of Political Theories, Oxford IBH Publishing House, London, 1973.

·         Wolf, Jonathan, Why Read Marx Today? Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.

·         Rajeev, Bhargava & Acharya, Ashok, Political Theory: An Introduction, Pearson Longman, Delhi 2008.

·         Wolf, Jonathan, Why Read Marx Today? Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.

·         Bhagwan, Vishnoo and Bhushan, Vidya, Principles and Concepts of Political Theory, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.

·         Roy, Amal and, Bhattacharya, Mohit, Political Theory: Ideas and Institutions, World Press, Kolkata, 2005.

·         Gauba, O.P., Political Ideas and Ideologies, Macmilan Publishers India Ltd, New Delhi, 2010.

·         Gauba, O.P., Introduction to Political Theory, Macmilan Publishers India Ltd, New Delhi, 2010.

·         Heywood, Andrew, Political Theory: An Introduction, Macmilan Publishers, New York, 1999.

·         9 Ghai, K.K, Political Theory, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.


Political Science (General) Previous year Question paper

1st Semester

Broad Question- 2014

1. (a) Narrate the meaning and signification of system analysis.


(b) Discuss, in brief, the Marxian theory of the state. What are its limitations?

2. (a) What is meant by pluralistic theory of sovereignty? Analyse the pluralistic theory of sovereignty.


(b) "Nationalism is a great menace to civilization". Explain, in the context of this statement, the nature of nationalism in the Contemporary world.

3. (a) What is right? Evaluate the nature of right in capitalistic society.


 (b) Define political party. Discuss any four important functions of political party in modern democracy.

4. (a) Explain the concept of individualism regarding the functions of state.


(b) Evaluate the Marxist theory or revolution.


Broad Question- 2015

1. (a) Describe, in brief, the traditional approaches to the study of political science.


(b) Critically analyse the Gandhian theory of state.

2. (a) What is monism? Briefly discuss the monistic theory of sovereignty.


(b) Narrate the meaning and features of democracy.

3. (a) Define liberty. Analyse the relations of liberty with equality.


(b) Discuss, in brief, the various methods of pressure groups in modern democracy.

4. (a) Analyse the functions of Welfare state. It India Welfare state? Justify your answer?


(b) Discuss briefly the main characteristics of imperialism after Lenin.


Broad Question-2016

1. (a) Define behaviourism. Discuss the main tenets of behaviourism.


(b) Critically discuss the liberal theory of the State.

2. (a) Critically examine the concept of popular sovereignty.


(b) Define nationalism. What are the main I, features of nationalism?

3. (a) What is meant by rights? Discuss the relationship between rights and duties.


(b) Define political party. Discuss the functions of political parties in modern democracies.

4. (a) What is democratic socialism? Discuss the features of democratic socialism.


(b) Briefly discuss the class struggle in different social systems.


Broad Question- 2017

1. (a) Discuss, in brief, the normative approaches to the study of Political Science.


(b) Critically discuss the Marxian theory of State.

2. (a) "The pluralists do not want to abolish the State, but the logical outcome of their theory may be the same." Discuss.


(b) Discuss the meaning and features of democracy.

3. (a) Define equality. Analyse the relationship between liberty and equality.


(b) Discuss the main sources of law.

4. (a) Define individualism Critically discuss the functions of individualistic State.


(b) Discuss briefly Lenin's contribution to the Marxism.

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Broad Question- 2018

1. (a) Define behaviourism, Discuss main tenets of behaviourisms.


(b) Critically discuss the Gandhian theory of State.

2. (a) Briefly discuss the monistic theory of sovereignty with its limitations.


(b) Define nationalism. What are the main features of nationalism?

3. (a) Define rights. Discuss the nature of rights in different societies.


 (b) Critically discuss the role and functions of political parties in modern State.

4.(a) Briefly discuss the functions of welfare States.


(b) Critically discuss the Marxian theory of revolution.


Broad Question- 2019

1. (a) Discuss in brief the traditional approaches to the study of Political Science with its limitations.


(b) Critically discuss the idealist theory of State.

2. (a) What is sovereignty? Discuss the nature of sovereignty in the age of globalization.


(b) Discuss the meaning and features of democracy.

 3. (a) Define law. Discuss the main sources of law.


(b) Discuss the role of pressure groups in a modern State.

4.(a) Define democratic socialism. Discuss the features of democratic socialism.


(b) Briefly describe the features of imperialism after Lenin.


Broad Question-2021

1. (a) Discuss in brief, the modern approaches to the study of Political Science.


(b) Critically Discuss Gandhian Concept of the Sate.

2. (a) Critically discuss the monistic theory of sovereignty.


(b) What is meant by nationalism? Discuss the characteristics of nationalism.

3. (a) Define liberty and mention its different types. Analyse the relation between liberty and equality.


(b) Define political party. Discuss the important functions of political party in modern democracy.

4. (a) What is meant by welfare State? Discuss the functions performed by a modern welfare State.


(b) Define 'class'. Discuss Marxian theory of class struggle.





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